Hey Guys! We continue to share with you our PR strategy experience.

Tap2Pay.me has become the winner of the joint project by Dev.by and NY communication agency Storifier among national startups focusing to hit the USA market. In this article you will know about the next first steps to start a PR strategy campaign by the example of Tap2Pay. First 3 steps of your future PR strategy were discussed in the previous post.

Step 4: What is the uniqueness of your view of the target market / problem?

It is necessary to formulate clearly why you are the most suitable person to solve this problem. Do you have a lot of experience in the industry or a someone with this experience in the team? Do you have direct access to a strategic partner or a mentor / advisor – an important and influential person in the industry? You never know what can catch the reader, so specify the maximum information.

Step 5: Memorable stories:

Tell funny and interesting facts about the company. Later these stories can become a good basis of publications, and can catch the eye of journalists. This question is similar to the one that we already discussed (Newsbreak). However, in this case it is necessary to focus not on the business information guide (investments, partnership, etc.), but on living, human stories. For example, customers use your product for a different purpose in comparison to the original idea (for example: Viagra was originally created as a drug that reduces pressure; You made an application for moms, and they are more actively used by dads. You are doing robotics and one of the robots “ran away” from your company, and something like this.

Step 6: Describe your UX:

You should not talk about the technical details and steps that the user is taking (download the application, launch it, select the category, etc.). It is important to understand how the life of the user has changed, after getting to know your product. How did the product improve a person’s life, successfully fitting into routine habits?

Step 7: Who are your clients?

Experts, who will evaluate your business, want to see the “portrait” of the client, his archetype. This is beyond the scope of standard metrics such as age. What is your client afraid of? How strong? What does he want from life? Who wants to be? Make a psychological portrait of your client so that the addressee begins to empathize with his problem.

Step 8: How are you going to implement your solution?

You should make a plan that will include the specific implementation process: Step 1 – deadline; Step 2 – deadline… Everything can change a dozen times, but it gives an opportunity to see the direction of your thoughts, and to follow it.

In the next week we will discuss competitors and communication policy analysis. Stay tuned with Tap2Pay!

Want to learn more? Leave us a message or try Tap2Pay out by messaging us here.

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